About us

What’s in a name? For us, it’s our mission.

allmansright is inspired by the Swedish tradition of allemansrätt, the right of everyone to freely roam and explore the outdoors — wherever nature takes them. Our purpose is to help them do it.

With our purpose-built ultralight outdoor gear, we’re bringing allemansrätt to the world. Echoing the precision and simplicity of nature, our bags and sacks are minimalist in design with features that anticipate your needs—whether you’re an expert outdoorsman on a five-day trek or a weekend explorer roaming the woods.

Roaming outdoors is transformative; it changes the way we see the world and ourselves. Picture a rainbow, one of the simplest thrills nature provides. A little moisture, a little sunlight—yet a rainbow never fails to surprise and inspire. We want everyone to experience that feeling of awe in the outdoors. That’s why we partner with organizations that help kids escape the city to adventure in nature, many for the first time. It’s why we donate 2% of our profits to groups that advocate for equal access to the outdoors for those who have felt excluded from it.

Because we’re passionate roamers ourselves, we understand the power of nature and what’s at stake if we fail to preserve it. So we’re committed to helping people own their right to roam. Because we believe the best way to inspire people to protect the outdoors is to help them learn to love it.

You can learn more about our People Planet Promise here

  • Jennifer Jacobsson-Melo

    I'm a Swedish native, half Filipino, immigrant in the U.S. with a background in merchandising, marketing and event. I grew up in Sweden with Allemansrätten, and the forest as my playground. Since moving to NYC, I lost touch and access to the outdoors until Livio introduced me to hiking. It reminded me of the important benefits nature has on our body and mind, and how important access to outdoor is!

  • Livio Melo

    I'm Dominican, a hiker, artist, and designer with an industrial design degree from 'Parsons - The New School'. The industrial designer in me used to believe products could save the world, but the hiker in me knows that the connections made with nature ultimately will. My hopes are that we can facilitate these connections via gear. I started making my own gear a couple of years ago for personal use, which today has grown to making it for others.